Air photo and satellite reprojection technology was used by Dr. Grossman to render a high-speed candid perspective photos and low-elevation aerial photos into a high-precision, georeferenced reprojections of historic maps and metrically accurate plan and profile records of features and the site. Excavation documented the actual coordinates of each feature to have been within 0 - 5 feet of projected locations. Both features were exposed in one day with controlled archaeological procedures and documented in minutes with single-camera photogrammetry and satellite image reprojection software - without delay to the ongoing emergency dam repair, mobilization and heavy equipment operations. the photogrmmetrically recorded historic features, one a blas furnace chimney, the other the rectangular base of a furnace-related structure, were identified through historic-GIS along the north edge of the Access Road - marked with two (2) red dots.(Grossman 2004, 2007a).