The 1979 Raritan Landing Bi-Pod, Rutgers Archaeological Survey Office (RASO), Cook College, Rutgers University, New Jersey. Photos date to November 1979: A) detail of custom-built RASO Bi-pod showing Haselblad camera mounted in self-seveling,“grid-locking”, housing below “Parrot Beak” docking mechanism at apex of 30 ft. Aluminum legs, B) Close-up of self leveling bi-pod camera mount being positioned over center point of 20 x 300 ft. site grid corridor, C) Mike Davenport, designer of Bi-pod "Parrot-Beak" overhead camera mount, and Victor Calderola, project photographer, of RASO adjusting camera settings before hoisting housing by cable to top of bi-pod, D) Bi-pod camera mounting shown lowered by pulley rope to align lens focal point on excavation grid line (Grossman et al. 1982, All rights reserved, Grossman 2005).