Click the color Lidar Scanner to see the actual "raw" 3D record of .."What the "Robot" saw in real time after only six hours of recording as temperatures dropped to 14 degrees F. by 6:00 PM

This digital video record is Dr. Grossman's "home movie" as Principal Investigator & Author of the deep-winter field effort took place over two six day periods between December and January of 2003 and 2004. First the Musconetcong River was dammed and drained with large pumps and with the installation of huge siphon pipes (to avoid damage to the surrounding Civil War-era National Register foundry site). Once drained and cleared of rubble and ice, 3D photogrammetry, GIS, GPS and the first generation of true-color laser radar (LIDAR) to document one of the earliest dams of the Morris Canal hydraulic system. Before this, the initial phase of the emergency rescue effort took place on a fast-track basis and consisted of an intensive geospatial sensitivity study in 2002 with a primary focus on the reduction of impacts to the flood damaged historic district through redesign and avoidance.
The subsequent data recovery phase was designed and implemented as a tightly coordinated logistical effort between myself as archaeologist, Compac Corporation, Langan Engineering and the New Jersey DEP. I produced this DV record of the subsequent deep winter emergency documentation program to make up for the fact that local residents and interested scholars could not visit during the field operations due to the extreme danger posed by the frozen site conditions and pace and dense riverbank concentration of the heavy cranes, pump and earth moving equipment. This digital video, together with a short video of the actual color Lidar scan results, was distributed on CD’s, together with digital copies of the final report and plates, to local schools, libraries and historical societies as a service to the community without charge.